Monday, 27 October 2014

“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life”

I need an outlet. 
Sometimes the day to day routine gets in the way of life and the things you love…..
Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat…. It gets mundane.  The same thing, day in, day out. This is why I need a little space, just for me.  A little place to call my own, where I can be as creative, or uncreative as I like, a place where all my adventures are stored, for me to look back at in years to come.  A little place to keep all the smiles and memories together.
As I said before, life gets in the way.  You forget the little things, the adventures slip your mind and the memories fade.  You focus on that 6.45am alarm, the 8 hour day at work, that 3 hour meeting you have.  Work takes over.  You forget that you went to yoga and got the giggles over chaturanga dandasana, and you forget that after that horrible week at work, you came home to find flowers waiting for you.... 
So!  This is my blog, my life and hopefully a nudge to create more memories with the people that matter most.

I’m Lindsay by the way and this is my little corner of the internet, welcome! J

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